For many Americans, going to the dentist is still a terrifying ordeal. Although modern advancements in dental care make a visit to the dentist comfortable, relaxing, and even fun, nearly 150 million people still avoid the dentist purely out of fear.

We are very sensitive to our patients who experience high fear and apprehension associated with dentistry. We can offer them a safe and comfortable experience while helping them take proper care of their teeth and gums.

We offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and/or oral conscious sedation.  Many patients are taking advantage of this safe and wonderful technique of anxiety-free dentistry. We can do years of dental treatment in one or two visits while the patient is relaxed and comfortable. We can replace crowns or dentures, whiten teeth, fix a chipped tooth, and more.


Candidates for Sedation Dentistry are people with:

High fear – dental phobias

Past traumatic dental experience

Difficulty getting numb

A bad gag reflex

Very sensitive teeth

Complex dental problems

Fear of needles

Dislike of noise, smells, and tastes associated with dentistry

Embarrassment about their teeth


Commonly Asked Questions about Sedation Dentistry


Will I feel any pain?

Most patients feel no discomfort whatsoever during their treatment and feel surprisingly well afterwards.

Will I be unconscious?

No. You will be in a deeply relaxed state and you will be responsive.

Will I be monitored?

Yes. Someone from our team is always with you and your vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, blood oxygen saturation) are monitored during the entire visit. You are never alone.

How long will I be relaxing?

Depending on your needs, from two to six hours.

Will someone need to accompany me?

Yes. Owing to the sedative effects of the medications, you will need someone to drive you to our office and home again.

Will I be totally relaxed with sedation dentistry?

Your painless dentist will administer just enough sedation so that you’ll be completely unaware of the treatment 

Will I remember anything after?

At the end of treatment, you will have little or no memory of what was accomplished.

What dental treatments can I have while under sedation?

Sedation dentists can generally do it all – dentures, cosmetic treatments, crowns, even cleanings and exams.

Is sedation dentistry safe for me?

Oral conscious sedation protocols have been used safely for over 30 years. We will review your medical history and monitor you closely while under sedation.

Will my insurance cover it?

We will review your coverage, and if necessary, make financial arrangements so you can get the care you need.


Contact us TODAY to learn more about this painless technique for dental treatments.